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Who we are

We are a France-based Tech Makers company, passionate about software architecture technologies and open-source mindset

We are the proud creators of the globally recognized open-source dependency injection framework Koin. Since 2017, our commitment has been to make Devs' lives easier , and this philosophy has been the driving force behind Koin's development as well as Kotzilla's adventure. In 2022, we launched Kotzilla to further pursue our quest to offer Devs the best architecture-focused technologies, along with a comprehensive platform of services and tools, called Cloud-inject !

the founders
picture Arnaud Giuliani
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Arnaud Giuliani

Creator of the well-recognized open-source framework KOIN, in charge of Tech, Product and Communication.

Arnaud has 15 years of Dev experiences, former lead tech in Curve, Blablacar.

Certified by Google and JetBrains, +40 international conferences about Kotlin and Koin.

picture Michael Montoya
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Michaël Montoya

IT industry passionate since the 90's, industrial engineer

International Key Account Manager B2B, 12 years at an US leader of food industry.

In charge of Finance, Sales, Marketing and HR.

the team
picture Olwethu Pissot
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Olwethu Pissot

picture Kanto Parant
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Kanto Parant

Lead Front End
picture Miguel Valdes Faura
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Miguel Valdes Faura

Head of Product-Marketing & Strategy
picture Lidonis Calhau
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Lidonis Calhau

Lead Back-End
picture Vanessa Macedo-Pinto
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Vanessa Macedo-Pinto

Webdesigner /
Front-end Developer
picture Clémentine Gila
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Clémentine Gila

Internship Marketing
picture Aëlynn Michenet
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Aëlynn Michenet

Internship Front-end Developer


Kotzilla is, first of all, dedicated to create great technologies to :

  • improve Devs’ lives
  • enhance productivity
  • enhance apps performance
  • secure deployment
  • reduce overall architecture management complexity
  • reduce maintenance time

It is a lot, but it is crucial to fuel the Kotlin and Android ecosystems growth !

Since 2017, we work on Koin, an open-source framework. We are committed to continuously contribute to open-source communauties to allow a free access to our innovation. This is also why we offer all functionalities of Cloud-Inject for free !

There is no point to pretend innovate in technologies without targeting a lower energy consumption for our services. Managing smartly data processing and storage is crucial to avoid unsustainable IT services.

Sharing better insights of applications with a lower data consumption, that's our duty !

icon values entreprise

Our Values

K - Kotlin passionated

O - Open-Source Spirit

T - Trustability

Z - Zero increase of CO2 footprint versus existing solutions

I - Ingenuity services

L - Leadership on tech vision

L - Loyalty to our open-source community

A - Accountability for users and customers

icon vision entreprise

Our Vision

Be, and be recognized as, the leaders of mobile architecture technologies.

icon mission entreprise

Our Mission

We are committed to support developers to architecture, maintain and grow their applications in an easy and efficient way thanks to our innovative services.

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Our Story

Koin is built by developers for developers !

It begins with Arnaud, a developer and tech lead who was frustrated with the complexity and boilerplate of traditional DI frameworks. He saw an opportunity to create a better solution that would make the process of managing dependencies easier, more intuitive, and more efficient.

With this vision in mind, he set out to design Koin, a DI framework built specifically for the Kotlin programming language. The goal was to make injecting dependencies into your code as simple and straightforward as possible, while also providing all the power and flexibility you need to write great applications. And with its simple and intuitive design, Koin makes it easier than ever for Kotlin developers to manage their dependencies, write clean, modular code, and create great applications that are easy to maintain and scale.

Today, Koin is used by hundreds of thousands of Kotlin developers and thousands of companies around the world and is considered one of the most effective and user-friendly DI frameworks available.